Hello, I'm Ben. I'm a software engineer at Humanforce in Brisbane. I'm currently working with Laravel, React.js, GraphQL, and AWS.
My projects
Made with:
Cryptocurrency sentiment analysis website based on Twitter posts. Users can see the overall sentiment (positive, negative or neutral) of different Cryptocurrencies based on what people are currently posting on Twitter. Users can also see keywords and an average sentiment score. Stateless application that uses Elasticache and S3 on AWS. It also used EC2 and auto-scaling to manage demand.
Company Asset Trading
Made with:
Client-server system written in Java for trading of virtual assets within departments of a company. Facilitated trades via a marketplace model where users can buy and sell assets. Admins of an organisation can create assets, users and modify details. Uses MariaDB as a database and Swing for the GUI.
Task Manager Console App
Made with:
Console app that manages tasks in a project. Users can load projects from a file and generate a seqeuence to complete them in, based on each task's dependencies. Users can also find earliest possible commencement time of each task, add new tasks, update tasks, remove tasks, and save the results to a text file.
Family Tree Shortest Path
Made with:
Python program that implements a breadth-first search algorithm to generate a minimal spanning tree. Problem was to calculate a shortest path from a starting vertex in a graph to each other vertex. The vertices represent people and each person is related to every other person through parent-child relationships. A person can see how they are related to each other person in the tree
My Skills
- TypeScript
- Laravel
- React
- GraphQL
- Node.js
- Symfony
- Python
- Git
- PostgreSQL
- Linux
- Docker
- Jenkins
My experience
Software Engineer
Software engineer in the intelliHR platform team. We are a feature enablement team dedicated to developing features for developers, ensuring they are easier to create. We also look after issues of scale and technical debt for developers and the platform.
January 2024 - PresentSoftware Engineer
The University of Queensland
Full-stack software engineer in the Application Development and Support team. Worked on web applications such as CAHP (Casual Academic Hire and Payment), UQ Maps, UQ Donations, and Programs and Courses.
November 2022 - January 2024Junior Developer
Developed new features using Laravel, Vue.js, PHP, JavaScript, Tailwind CSS, MySQL and REST APIs. Created an email notification system for mechants to receive weekly/monthly summaries of YouPay carts created, paid and cancelled. I also integrated YouPay into dozens of stores.
February 2022 - November 2022Web Developer
M3 Digital - Contract
Front-end development for a variety of Shopify stores such as FitazFK, Rider Collective, Masseuse Massage, Francesca Jewellery and Salty Captain. Developed high quality landing pages and front end features using HTML, CSS, SCSS, JavaScript and Liquid.
September 2021 - February 2022My Education

Bachelor of Information Technology
Queensland University of Technology
Graduated in 2023
GPA 6.2/7
- Major in Computer Science
- Minor in Networks & Security
- Minor in Mobile Applications
- Science & Engineering Dean's List - 2019 & 2021
Contact me
Please contact me directly at benrogers1299@outlook.com or through this form.